Monday, May 28, 2012

Con todo

Let this be my prayer throughout this week, going into this internship in Costa Rica, during my time there, and for the rest of my life:

"Open our eyes/To see the things that make Your heart cry,/To be the Church that You would desire,/Your light to be seen./Break down our pride/And all the walls we've built up inside./Our earthly crowns and all our desires/We lay at Your feet." --With Everything by Hillsong

The Spanish version of the song is even more beautiful in some ways:

"Déjanos ver/Lo que entristece Tu corazón./La iglesia que deseas tener/Refleja Tu luz./Rompe, Señor,/Orgullo y muros en mi interior./Mis sueños y coronas Te doy./Me rindo a Tus pies."

May my eyes be opened to the suffering of the world, and may it break my heart like it breaks Yours.  May I shine Your light and serve as You would desire me to.  Break down my pride and break down the walls that have built themselves up inside my heart for so many different reasons; help me to trust.  Help me to release my hold on all of the physical stuff that this world has to offer, and humble me as I try daily to put others before myself.